Getting the rafters up and the dormer constructed were the most challenging for me of the whole project of building my new studio. And certainly all the angles involved in constructing the dormer proved to be the biggest challenge of all. I really have a great deal of respect for roofers. It is just plain grueling work on the legs and nerves walking around up there on the strapping getting everything in place and screwed down.
With the metal roofing in place – beautiful, bright “galvalume” – and the skylights, windows and doors installed, I’m sealed in enough that everything will stay dry inside as fall sets in. It’s the end of September now so getting the woodstove installed will mean that I can warm the space inside and proceed with staining all of the exterior paneling and fascia board. With the rains coming soon and my body tired from my non-stop solo effort, I begin to dream about a warm beach in Maui.
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