Welcome to my studio and new blog… Come on in!

I’ve been in a building kinda mode for awhile now and at last can share this with you. Building a new studio. And building a new website with social media – challenging for someone who has been sequestered away in the woods making art. But, hey, I’m ready for change. The isolated time of my life has come to an end… and that means a new beginning!

I’ve also been building up my energy and my health and will look forward to sharing this with you on my blog. It’s an awesome journey and I’m excited to have a place now to share.

I’ve built my new studio myself from the ground up… literally! And will share photos of the process. Broke ground in the summer (July 2012) and poured the foundation and started building beginning of August. As this new blog goes online, I’m just finishing the last details of the interior, getting ready for my new studio’s grand opening!

Please drop by if you’re in the neighbourhood, and otherwise, please drop by here and I’ll be uploading photos and stories and more.  Can’t wait to get into new projects in this big, bright, beautiful space!


There is 1 comment so far

  • 12 years ago · Reply


    Gary and I are very excited for you and your new beginning. We totally understand where you are at with it. It can be a little unnerving but so very exhilarating at the same time. We just had our 2 year new beginning anniversary at the beginning of May. We look forward to every single day we have to live this life. It is full of happiness and gratitude as well as fulfilling hard work. We know that you and Shari are on the path that you chose and there is nothing better in life than that. We wish you all the best.

    Corinne and Gary

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